ZEN and the ART - Insights and Tips

Author Name : Rajarshi Banerjee

Posted On : 04 Apr 2023

It had been a long meeting. And both Mr. Beeg, the CEO and Ronaldo, his EA, were feeling drained.

Widget inc. was on a runaway growth spurt. Still, Mr. Beeg and Ronaldo were exhausted from struggling to track multiple projects and deadlines.

They had several things lined up - the launch of the new wearables range, the commissioning of the new factory in Vietnam, the new branding, and even the status of the recruitment pipeline.

The CEO's Concern- How to Drive a Performance Culture?

Even after assembling a great team, Mr. Beeg was frustrated by missed deadlines, lack of collaboration, and clarity regarding the current project status. To top it all, Ronaldo, on whom Mr.Beeg relied for all the project updates and what was happening in the firm, was all over the place. Mr.Beeg had no clue how to lead his team if he didn’t know what they were doing.

An Executive Assitant's Dilemma- How To Diplomatically Manage Projects and Updates without Stepping on People's Toes.

Even for Ronaldo, nothing was working. Though he loved working at Widget inc. and respected his boss and colleagues, the recent pressure of keeping track of the multiple running projects drove him crazy.

Ronaldo relied on spreadsheets and a journal to keep track of the projects, but each project had a deadline and budget to be separately tracked, which was more time-consuming. He was drowning in emails and chats with functional heads, constantly requesting updates, causing frustration among his colleagues. Even when Mr. Beeg asked to see a budget sheet or design, he had difficulty finding the relevant files or information quickly enough for Mr. Beeg’s fast-paced leadership style.

Ronaldo’s unbalanced work life was destroying his personal life, and his frustration was at its peak. Maybe he would not have seen it without being in this frame of mind. But just before shutting off his phone at night, he was searching for how to make Reviews Simpler and Easier when he found Pronnel. Ronaldo introduced Pronnel to Mr. Beeg; finally, they got the solution to keep everything in one place.

How Pronnel Makes it Simpler, Easier to Manage Long Review Meetings

Mr. Beeg and Ronaldo had ultimately found a solution to their prolonged existing problems.

  • An Easy Way to Enter Projects during a Meeting (Like a Spread Sheet)
  • Fully Customizable Fields to Assign Tasks, Set deadlines, get updates, and attach & view files.
  • A Notes Feature to Keep Important Meeting Minutes.
  • Setting separate buckets for anyone to understand the Project Status.
  • Direct team collaboration through Boards, avoiding unnecessary follow-up calls and storing things in one million places.
  • Mentions to get their team's attention.
  • Multiple Views to visually see how their project progressed.
  • Automatic alerts for someone who missed a deadline.
  • Same board for all the meetings. Just give each item its correct tag.

Even they can review things on their phone through "the Pronnel App."

At last, with the easy onboarding of the whole team on Pronnel, Widget Inc had finally found a simpler, easier solution to become more collaborative and productive.

Discover For Yourself How Pronnel Can Make Your Review Meetings More Productive.

Pronnel is a project management tool that offers a range of features that make it easy to manage projects and reviews. It helps to ensure that everyone in your team knows the project status, progress, and what needs to do next.

Like Ronaldo and Mr. Beeg, if you are keen to discover easier, simpler ways to manage and track multiple projects, give us a call today to book a demo or watch our 120- sec video on how to run a review process and follow-ups to our ready-made template.