Seamless Migration from Jira to Pronnel: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering transitioning from Jira to Pronnel for enhanced project management? This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through seamlessly importing your Jira items/tickets into Pronnel. Follow these instructions to ensure a smooth and efficient migration.

Setting Up Your Pronnel Board

  1. Create a Pronnel Board:

    • Establish a Pronnel Board that mirrors your existing Jira setup.

    • Add Process and Item Attributes to align with your Jira board structure.

  2. Configure Board Attributes:

    • Customize your Pronnel Board according to your specific needs. For example, if you're migrating a Bug Tracking Board, ensure that attributes for bug details, steps to reproduce, and related documents are included.

Generating API Tokens and Admin Key from Atlassian

  1. Create an API Token:

  2. Generate Admin API Key:

    • Navigate to

    • Select your organization (if applicable) and go to Settings > API keys.

      Generate Admin API Key
    • Create a new API key with a memorable name, setting an expiration date if needed.

      Create a new API key
      Add the necessary details
    • Copy the Organization ID and API key for later use.

      Copy the Organization ID and API key

Exporting Data from Jira

  • Export Jira Data:

    Export the desired data from Jira in either CSV or Excel format.

    Export Jira Data
    Export jira csv file

Mapping and Uploading Data to Pronnel

  1. Map Data to Pronnel Board:

    • Open your Pronnel Board, go to Settings, and navigate to Import/Export Options.

      go to Settings, and navigate to Import/Export Options.
    • Click "Click to Upload" and upload your Jira data in CSV or Excel format.

    • Map the columns from your Jira export to the Item Attributes on your Pronnel Board.

      Map the columns from your Jira export to the Item Attributes on your Pronnel Board.
  2. Validation and Import:

    • After mapping, click "Next" to validate the data mapping.

      validate the data mapping.
    • Review the mapping on the next screen and proceed to the next step.

    • Choose "Import from Jira" and provide the necessary details, including your Jira username, API token, and Admin Token.

      Choose 'Import from Jira' and provide the necessary details
      Add Jira username, API token, and Admin Token.
    • Click "Import" to initiate the data transfer process.

      Data transfer to Pronnel board is complete.
  3. Review Success and Failure Log:

    • Once the import is complete, you'll receive an email with a detailed success and failure log.

    • In case of failures, download the error log Excel file, identify the issues, correct the information within the same file, and re-upload.

By diligently following these steps, you can seamlessly migrate your data from Jira to Pronnel, ensuring a smooth transition without losing crucial information. Remember to store your API tokens and keys securely for future use. Embrace the power of Pronnel for efficient project management tailored to your organization's needs.

How do I create a Pronnel Board to match my existing Jira setup?

What attributes should I include in my Pronnel Board for a Bug Tracking setup?

Ensure your Pronnel Bug Tracking Board includes attributes for bug details, steps to reproduce, and related documents.

What is an API token, and why do I need one from my Atlassian account?

An API token is necessary for secure data transfer between Jira and Pronnel. Follow our guide to create one on your Atlassian account.

How can I generate an Admin API key from Atlassian for migration purposes?

Visit, navigate to Settings > API keys, and follow our instructions to create an Admin API key.

What information should I store securely after generating the API token and Admin API key?

Save the Organization ID, API key, and API token securely, as you'll need these values during the data upload on Pronnel.

Can I export specific data from Jira to upload on Pronnel?

Yes, export the desired data from Jira in either CSV or Excel format to facilitate a smooth migration.

How do I map data from my Jira export to the Pronnel Board during uploading?

In Pronnel, navigate to Settings > Import/Export Options, upload your Jira data, and map the columns to the Item Attributes on your Pronnel Board.

What if I encounter errors during the data import process in Pronnel?

Pronnel will provide a detailed success and failure log via email. If errors occur, download the error log Excel file, correct the information, and re-upload.

Is there ongoing support available for users transitioning from Jira to Pronnel?

Yes, Pronnel offers support to assist users throughout the migration process. Feel free to reach out for any additional guidance or troubleshooting.