How to Create Subitems in Pronnel

In Pronnel, effective task management is crucial for successful project execution. While items represent individual tasks, there are instances where tasks need to be divided into smaller sub-tasks for better organization and tracking. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of subitems in Pronnel, understand how to create them, and delve into the benefits they offer for task management. Throughout this tutorial, tasks will be represented as Items.

Understanding Subitems

Subitems in Pronnel allow you to break down complex items into smaller, more manageable sub-items. These sub-items are connected to a parent item, enabling you to track the overall progress and status while monitoring the completion of its associated subitems.

How to Create Subitems

To create a subitem in Pronnel:

  • Navigate to the parent item to which you want to add sub-items.
  • Click on the option to create a new subitem.
  • Please give it a meaningful title that accurately describes the specific sub-item.
  • Click on the “create subitems” option in parent item/task for subitem creation. Once created, they  can be assigned to different users within your organization.

    Assigning and Delegating Subitems

    Once you have created the subitems, you can assign them to different users within your organization. Assigning sub-items allows for effective delegation and collaboration. Each subitem can have its assignee, ensuring that responsibilities are clearly defined.

    Tracking Progress

    Subitems provide a visual representation of the progress of a parent item. As you mark each subitem as completed, the overall completion status of the parent item is automatically updated. This feature offers a holistic view of item progress and ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

    Multiple Levels of Subitems

    In Pronnel, you have the flexibility to create subitems at multiple levels. This means that sub-items can have their sub-items, creating a hierarchical structure that reflects the complexity of your projects. This enables granular tracking and management of even the most intricate items.

    Board-level parent items and child items relationship overview. Only on completion of all subitems, the Parent item would be marked completed.

    Visualizing Parent-Child Relationships

    To visualize the relationships between parent items and their subitems, Pronnel provides options such as "View All" or "Collapse All." These features allow you to expand or collapse the subitems, giving you a clear overview of the parent-child relationships directly at the board level.

    Dependencies and Connected Items

    Pronnel offers features like dependencies and connected items to enhance the coordination and interdependence between items. These allow you to establish relationships between items, ensuring that the completion of one item triggers the start of another.


    Congratulations! You now have a comprehensive understanding of subitems in Pronnel and how they can revolutionize your item management. Creating sub-items within a parent item allows you to break down complex items, delegate responsibilities, track progress, and visualize parent-child relationships. Detailed video tutorial for same is available on Youtube.

    Subitems provide a powerful tool for efficient project execution, ensuring that no item is overlooked and that projects are completed precisely. Embrace the benefits of subitems in Pronnel, and experience enhanced productivity and collaboration within your team.

    Start organizing and managing your items effectively by utilizing the subitem feature in Pronnel. Empower your team to achieve new levels of efficiency and success in their project endeavors.

    Note: This tutorial is based on Pronnel's features and functionalities as of the time of writing. Please refer to Pronnel's documentation or support for any updates or changes to the platform.


    What are subitems in Pronnel?

    Subitems in Pronnel are smaller tasks created within a parent task to break it into more manageable parts.

    How do I create subitems in Pronnel?

    To create a subitem in Pronnel, navigate to the parent task and click on the option to create a new subitem. Give it a meaningful title that describes the specific sub-task.

    Can I assign subitems to different team members?

    Yes, you can assign subitems to different users within your organization. This allows for effective delegation and collaboration.

    How do subitems help in tracking progress?

    Subitems provide a visual representation of the progress of the parent task. As you mark each subitem as completed, the overall completion status of the parent task is automatically updated.

    Can I create multiple levels of subitems in Pronnel?

    Yes, Pronnel allows you to create subitems at multiple levels. This means subitems can have their subitems, creating a hierarchical structure for complex projects.

    How can I visualize the relationships between parent items and subitems?

    Pronnel provides options like "View All" or "Collapse All" to visualize the parent-child relationships. You can expand or collapse the subitems to get a clear overview of the relationships at the board level.

    Are there any features in Pronnel to manage dependencies between items?

    Yes, Pronnel offers features like dependencies and connected items. These allow you to establish relationships between items, ensuring that the completion of one item triggers the start of another.

    What are the benefits of using subitems in task management?

    Using subitems allows for better organization and tracking of tasks. It helps break down complex tasks, delegate responsibilities, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

    Can I track the progress of a parent task based on the completion of its subitems?

    Yes, as you mark each subitem as completed, the overall completion status of the parent task is automatically updated, providing a clear view of its progress.

    How can subitems enhance collaboration within a team?

    Subitems enable effective delegation and collaboration by allowing you to assign specific subtasks to different team members, ensuring clear responsibilities and improved teamwork.