Streamlining Email Communication with Pronnel: Setting Up IMAP with Zoho Mail

In today's fast-paced work environment, efficient communication is crucial for productivity and collaboration. Pronnel, a versatile platform, understands the importance of consolidating email and work-related tasks. Integrating with popular email providers like Outlook and Gmail, Pronnel makes it easy for teams to coordinate and organize their communication.
In this tutorial, we'll guide you through setting up IMAP with Zoho Mail, allowing you to bring your Zoho Mail account into the Pronnel platform seamlessly.

Setting Up IMAP with Zoho Mail from User Settings

  1. Accessing User Settings:

    Start by logging into your Pronnel account. In the top right corner, click on your account avatar and select "Edit User Settings" from the dropdown menu.

    Click on your account avatar and select 'Edit User Settings'
  2. Navigating to Email Settings:

    Once in the User Settings, locate and click "Email Settings" in the sidebar.

    Click on Email Settings
  3. Choosing IMAP & SMTP:

    Within Email Settings, opt for the "IMAP & SMTP" option.

  4. Entering Connection Details:

    A dialog box will appear for creating the SMTP/IMAP connection. Fill in the following details:

    • User Name: Enter your Zoho Mail email address.

    • Password: Input your Zoho Mail password.

    • SMTP Server Name:

    • SMTP Port: 465

    • IMAP Server Name:

    • IMAP Port: 993

    Enter Connection Details
  5. Saving Configuration:

    After entering the details, click the "Save" button to complete the email integration.

    Email account connected

Setting Up IMAP with Zoho Mail from the Pronnel Board

  1. Prerequisites:

    Ensure you have a CRM board with a connected contact board and Email Integration is enabled from the board settings.

  2. Accessing Board Settings:

    Navigate to the board you want to integrate with Zoho Mail. Click on the board settings.

  3. Selecting Email Option:

    Find and click on the "Email" option within the board settings.

  4. Choosing IMAP & SMTP:

    Scroll to the email connection settings and select the "IMAP & SMTP" option.

    Scroll to the email connection settings and select the 'IMAP & SMTP' option.
  5. Completing Configuration:

    Follow steps 4-5 from the User Settings section above to enter the necessary connection details.

  6. Finalizing Integration:

    Click "Save" to complete the email integration for the Pronnel Board.

Utilizing Email Integration in Pronnel:

Once the email integration is complete, Pronnel offers a seamless email management experience within your workflow. You can send emails directly from items on the Pronnel Board, eliminating the need to switch between platforms. Additionally, by adding a communication view, you can conveniently access and review all email communication related to specific items.

Send emails directly from items.

In conclusion, Pronnel's integration with Zoho Mail through IMAP provides a centralized email and work-related tasks hub. This not only saves time but also enhances collaboration within teams. Following these simple steps, you can optimize your workflow, making Pronnel a powerful tool for streamlined communication and task management.

Provides a centralized email and work-related tasks hub.

FAQs for Pronnel's IMAP Setup with Zoho Mail Integration Tutorial:

Why should I integrate my Zoho Mail account with Pronnel?

Integrating Zoho Mail with Pronnel consolidates your email and work-related tasks, saving time and facilitating organized communication within your team.

Are there specific email providers supported by Pronnel?

Pronnel currently supports Outlook, Gmail, and Zoho Mail for seamless integration.

What information do I need to set up IMAP with Zoho Mail from User Settings?

You'll need your Zoho Mail email address, password, and specific server details such as SMTP Server Name, SMTP Port, IMAP Server Name, and IMAP Port.

Can I set up IMAP with Zoho Mail directly from the Pronnel Board?

Yes, Pronnel provides an alternative method through the Pronnel Board settings. Ensure you have a CRM board with a connected contact board and Email Integration enabled.

What happens if I enter incorrect connection details during the setup?

Pronnel may not be able to establish a connection with Zoho Mail. Double-check and ensure accuracy when entering your Zoho Mail email, password, and server details.

Can I send emails directly from Pronnel items after integration?

Yes, Pronnel allows you to send emails directly from items on the Pronnel Board, reducing the need to switch between platforms.

How do I access and review email communication within Pronnel after integration?

Pronnel offers a communication view where you can conveniently access and review all email communication related to specific items on the board.

What if I encounter issues during the setup process?

If you encounter any issues, double-check the entered details and ensure your Zoho Mail account is accessible. If problems persist, reach out to Pronnel support for assistance.