Creating Bar Chart Widgets in Pronnel Boards: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Bar charts are an excellent tool for visualizing data, providing a clear picture of various metrics and distributions. In Pronnel Boards, you can leverage the Bar Chart Widget to represent data effectively.
This tutorial will guide you through creating Bar Chart Widgets to visualize task status division, helping you understand the distribution of tasks across different stages.

Step 1: Accessing Dashboard Creation:

Begin by accessing your Pronnel dashboard. If you still need to create one, navigate to your boards and select the option to create a new dashboard. Alternatively, you can add widgets directly to an existing overview view on your board.

Accessing Dashboard Creation

Step 2: Creating a Bar Chart Widget:

Once your dashboard is ready, click the top-right corner to add a new widget. Choose the "Chart" option, then select "Bar Chart" from the available chart types.

Creating a Bar Chart Widget

Step 3: Configuring the Bar Chart Widget::

Upon selecting the Bar Chart Widget, you'll need to configure its settings:


The X-axis represents the horizontal axis and displays data categories. For our example, select a bucket representing task status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done").


Choose the metric to display on the Y-axis. This can be a count of items or any other numerical value associated with the tasks.
You can perform arithmetic operations on numerical columns, such as Count, Max, Min, Median, Average, or Sum. For task status, counting the number of items directly would be appropriate.

configure x-axis and y-axis

Add Description:

Enable the "Add Description" option to include a note explaining the widget's purpose. This helps others understand the widget's context and relevance.

Add Description

More Settings:

  • Under "More Settings," you can further customize the widget:
  • Adjust the legend's position (vertical or horizontal).
  • Sort the data in ascending or descending order.
  • Choose boards from which to pull data for the Bar Chart.
  • Flip the chart to switch the orientation of the axes.
Flip the chart

Step 4: Filtering Data:

Utilize the filter icon located at the top-right corner to refine the data displayed in the Bar Chart.
For instance, if you want to focus on active tasks only, you can filter to exclude functions in the "Final" bucket, providing a clearer view of task status division.

Filtering Data

Step 5: Review:

Review the configured settings to ensure they meet your requirements.

Review the configured settings


Congratulations! You've successfully created a Bar Chart Widget in Pronnel Boards to visualize task status division. By following these steps, you can efficiently monitor and analyze the distribution of tasks across different stages, gaining valuable insights into your workload. Experiment with various configurations and filters to tailor the Bar Chart Widget to your specific needs and enhance your data visualization capabilities in Pronnel.


What is a Bar Chart Widget in Pronnel Boards?

A Bar Chart Widget in Pronnel Boards is a visual representation tool that displays data categories and their corresponding values as rectangular bars. It offers a clear overview of data distributions and metrics.

How do I access the dashboard creation feature in Pronnel Boards?

To access dashboard creation in Pronnel Boards, navigate to your boards and select the option to create a new dashboard. Alternatively, you can add widgets directly to an existing overview view on your board.

What types of data can I visualize using the Bar Chart Widget?

Using the Bar Chart Widget, you can visualize various data types, such as task status division, project progress, issue tracking, and more. The widget allows you to represent any numerical value associated with data categories.

How do I configure the X-Axis in the Bar Chart Widget?

The X-axis in the Bar Chart Widget represents the horizontal axis and displays data categories. You can select a specific category, such as task status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done"), to visualize its distribution.

What options are available for the Y-Axis configuration?

You can choose the metric to display for the Y-Axis configuration, such as a count of items or any other numerical value associated with the data categories. Additionally, you can perform arithmetic operations on numerical columns, such as Count, Max, Min, Median, Average, or Sum.

Can I add a description to the Bar Chart Widget?

You can add a description to the Bar Chart Widget by enabling the "Add Description" option. This allows you to include a note explaining the widget's purpose, providing context for other users.

How can I further customize the Bar Chart Widget?

You can further customize the Bar Chart Widget under "More Settings." Options include adjusting the legend's position (vertical or horizontal), sorting data in ascending or descending order, choosing boards as data sources, and flipping the chart orientation.

How do I filter data in the Bar Chart Widget?

Use the filter icon at the widget's top-right corner to refine the data displayed in the Bar Chart. For example, you can filter to exclude certain categories or focus on specific subsets of data, such as active tasks only.

Can I save and review the configured settings before finalizing the Bar Chart Widget?

You can review the configured settings before saving the Bar Chart Widget to your dashboard. This allows you to ensure that the widget meets your requirements and displays the desired data visualization accurately.

Are there any additional tips for maximizing the effectiveness of the Bar Chart Widget?

Experiment with different configurations, filters, and data sources to tailor the Bar Chart Widget to your needs. Regularly review and update the widget settings to effectively reflect changes in data or project requirements.