Creating Stacked Bar Chart Widgets in Pronnel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Pronnel Boards offer powerful tools like Overview Views and Dashboards to summarise your data and activities concisely. One such tool is the Stacked Bar Chart Widget, which enables users to visualize data in a 3-dimensional bar chart format, allowing for data grouping based on multiple variables. 
In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of creating a Stacked Bar Chart Widget to display the distribution of tasks among different users based on priority

Step 1: Accessing Pronnel Dashboard

Begin by logging into your Pronnel account and navigating to the desired board from which you wish to pull data. Once on the board, locate the option to create a new widget, typically found in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Selecting Chart Type

From the widget creation menu, choose the "Chart" option, then select "Stacked Bar Chart" as the chart type.

Selecting Stacked Bar Chart widget

Step 3: Configuring Stacked Bar Chart Widget Settings

After selecting the Stacked Bar Chart type, you'll need to configure the widget settings:

X-Axis and Y-Axis Configuration:

Choose the variables to represent on the X and Y axes. For our example, select "Assignees" for the X-axis and "Priority" for the Y-axis.

x axis configuration

Value to Display: 

Decide what value to display in the stacked bar chart. This can be a count of items or any numerical column. For our example, we'll count the number of tasks directly.

Value to Display

Additional Settings: 

Enable the "Add Description" option to provide a note explaining the widget's purpose. This helps users understand the widget's context and significance.

Add Description

Step 4: Advanced Settings

Explore additional settings such as providing labels for the axes, adjusting the legend's position, sorting data, or flipping the chart orientation to suit your preferences.

Advanced Widget Settings
Update Legend Position

Step 5: Filtering Data

Utilize the filter icon to specify criteria for the data displayed in the stacked bar chart. This allows for customization and focusing on specific subsets of data, such as active tasks or tasks in particular stages.

Filter Data

Step 6: Finalizing the Stacked Bar Chart Widget

Review your settings and configurations to ensure they accurately represent the data you want to visualize. Once satisfied, save the widget, which will be added to your dashboard or overview view.

Review and Analyze the Stacked bar chart

Step 7: Analyzing the Stacked Bar Chart

Once the Stacked Bar Chart Widget is added to your dashboard or overview view, you can analyze the visual representation of priority-wise assigned tasks among different users. Use the chart to identify trends, patterns, or areas that require attention.
Following these steps, you can create informative Stacked Bar Chart Widgets in Pronnel, providing clear insights into your data and activities. Experiment with different configurations and settings to tailor the visualization to your needs and preferences.


How do I access the dashboard in Pronnel to create a Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

To access the dashboard in Pronnel, log in to your account and navigate to the desired board from which you wish to pull data. Then, locate the option to create a new widget, typically found in the top right corner of the screen.

Can I create Stacked Bar Chart Widgets directly in an overview view of the board?

Yes, you can create Stacked Bar Chart Widgets directly in an overview view of the board by following steps similar to those outlined in the tutorial.

What are the main components of configuring a Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

The main components include selecting the X-axis and Y-axis variables, choosing the value to display in the chart, enabling additional settings like descriptions, and configuring advanced settings such as axis labels and data filtering.

What types of variables can I select for the X-axis and Y-axis in a Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

You can set variables such as assignees, priority, status, or other relevant data fields in your Pronnel board.

What options do I have for the value displayed in the stacked bar chart?

You can display a count of items or select any numerical column from your dataset. Additionally, you can perform arithmetic operations like count, max, min, median, average, or sum on numerical columns.

How can I add a description to the Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

Enable the "Add Description" option during widget configuration and provide a note explaining the widget's purpose. This helps users understand the context and significance of the visualization.

Are there any advanced settings available for customizing the Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

Advanced settings include providing labels for axes, adjusting legend position, sorting data, flipping chart orientation, and more.

Can I filter data displayed in the Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

Yes, you can utilize the filter icon to specify criteria for the data shown in the stacked bar chart. This allows for customization and focusing on specific subsets of data, such as active tasks or tasks in particular stages.

How should I modify or adjust the Stacked Bar Chart Widget after creating it?

You can easily modify or adapt the Stacked Bar Chart Widget settings by accessing the widget settings menu from the dashboard or overview view and making the desired changes.

How can I analyze the information presented in the Stacked Bar Chart Widget?

Use the Stacked Bar Chart Widget to identify trends, patterns, or areas requiring your data attention. Analyze the distribution of tasks among different users based on priority to gain insights into your workflow and productivity.